
Recommended Textbook/Youtube Guides for Cambridge A-Level as a Malaysian Student.

Hello there, I'm Sean T., I've completed my Cambridge A-Level in Oct/Nov 2016 in Malaysia, ended up with mostly with a strings of Bs. Which is good enough for local private university in Malaysia. But personally, I'm not a good learner in the classroom, hence I spend my time reading multiple resources to replenish my understanding for each subjects. But I have invested a ton of money for finding good resources to read, until I got familiar with the concept, so I know how the answer scheme works.  I won't guarantee this guide will make you score an A/A*, but to help you grab useful resources to aid your study.  But rather introduce a few good books I find it easier to digest content for Malaysian Students, before hitting those past year papers.  One thing for sure, practice does makes perfect. So please don't leave your past year paper unattended.  Firstly, always get Cambridge University Press (CUP) textbook as your main text.  Also, avoid the p